Tim Mueller

Tim Mueller

Company: Prelude Therapeutics

Job title: Vice President, Environmental, Health & Safety, Lab Operations & Facilities


Presentation Q&A & Panel Discussion:Examining the Significance of Facility Design on Maintaining Lab Safety 2:30 pm

Engage with our expert speakers following their presentations, utilize this interactive session to ask your questions and get involved in this dynamic exchange of ideas on maximizing facility design to ensure the safety of your workforce and prevent costly accidentsRead more

day: Day Two

Designing & Building Safe R&D & Manufacturing Facilities with Flexibility to Accommodate Evolving Needs 2:00 pm

• Defining the concept of flexibility in facility design and its significance • Discuss the benefits of designing facilities with built-in adaptability to future needs • Strategies for future-proofing facilities to adapt to changing programs, technologies, scale-ups and regulationsRead more

day: Day Two

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